We all have stuff. Therapy can help.

Develop deeper connections, feel safe and heard, and find your purpose.

Providing in-person therapy in Maitland, Florida and virtually across Florida for individuals, couples, and families.

Sliding Scale Options Available

Out-Of-Network Benefits Accepted

Evening & Weekend Appointment Flexibility

Self-Pay Clinic

Stuck in negative thought patterns?

Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, or stuck?

Struggling to cope with life adjustments?

Having issues in your marriage, family, or relationships?

Suffering from ADHD, trauma, or behavioral issues?

Still dealing with issues as a result of the pandemic?

Something's got to give - we don't want it to be you.

We can help you take the steps you need to live a life you love.

Why Uplift Psychotherapy Center?

You're here because you need to feel better. Every person has their own journey and we are privileged to be able to help you start living better. Uplift Psychotherapy Center offers therapy that is:

Personal: We treat you as the person you are. We take a human-centered approach and show up as real people.

Results based: We are invested in tracking basic needs that each individual needs in order to rewire brain & body memory, assist with better coping strategies and management, assist in emotional regulation, and aim for solutions to maximize outcomes for living an overall better life.

Safe: At Uplift, we place importance on creating a judgment/criticism free safe space to all clients. Knowing that we are all humans who have struggles in life, our aim is to make sure that you understand that you are not alone and that we all have issues in our lives. No one is perfect, life is unpredictable, and all of us are here figuring it out. Uplift aims in supporting one another to become all that one is meant to be– accepted in all vulnerability that humans entail.

Don't wait to start living a life you love.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.
— Brene Brown