Clinical Supervision
Did you recently graduate and are looking for a qualified supervisor?
Are you a registered intern and are looking for a qualified supervisor to help write your letter to the state?
Did you recently graduate with your master’s or doctorate in mental health counseling or social work and don’t know where to start?
Are you looking for a supervisor that has experience in private practice, group practice, and/or university settings?
Are you trying to establish your own private practice as a registered intern?
Common Topics That Tend To Arise In Supervision
While your education has prepared you with the foundation of being a therapist, your clinical supervisor can be just as important as shaping you as a future, trained clinician. Your clinical supervisor will be crucial in helping you navigate any issues you may encounter during your first few years after graduating. While all mental health counselors and social workers are required to have clinical experience upon graduating, most registered interns encounter new ethical and legal situations after graduating.
Mandated Reporting
Depending on your previous experience and/or the population you choose to work with, you may or may not have experience with mandated reporting related to harm to self or others, child or elder abuse or neglect, and/or with individuals with sexually transmitted diseases who do not disclose that information to others. It is important that you feel like you are in good hands with your qualified supervisor as your encounter your first few situations of mandated reported. It’s not if you will have to make a report—it’s when.
Therapeutic Framework and Approach
While you may have started to grasp a sense of your therapeutic framework, a qualified supervisor that is well-trained in a variety and/or specific therapeutic approaches can provide you insight on how you can be the best therapist you can be. How do you actually work with trauma with a client? What does it mean to get deep with a client? How do I know if I’m competent to provide therapy to a client or when do I refer out? A qualified supervisor who is good at a what they do will help assure you as a new therapist and give you the feedback you need to gain the confidence that you are a good enough therapist.
Registration Process and Letter to State
After graduating, you will have to apply to the state to become a registered intern. In doing so, you will be required to find a qualified supervisor to write a letter to the state on behalf of you stating that they will supervise you during your registered intern status. While some universities and programs prepare their students for the registration and licensure process, many do not. Our qualified supervisors can assist in the registration process and provide guidance on where to begin!
Navigating Personal Issues
Classic psychoanalysis and Freud call this as transference and countertransference, and it is inevitable with the work that we do. Opening yourself to transference and countertransference can open you up to ethical issues, and it is important to have a qualified supervisor that can help bring issues of transference and countertransference to your awareness and that can help you navigate issues of transference and countertransference.
Clinical Career Guidance
Some therapists want to work for a clinic or non-profit, while other therapists want to work for themselves. Whether you want to work in a university setting, a clinic or non-profit setting, or start to develop your own private practice, our qualified supervisors have the experience to help guide you in the direction you are trying to go.
Why Your Supervisor Is So Important
A recent meta-analysis on supervision for mental health therapists and supervision revealed that most registered interns tend to have experience in CBT and desire gaining experience in other therapeutic frameworks. In addition, registered interns revealed that their supervisor influenced their therapeutic approach and confidence as much as their education. Though CBT is an effective therapeutic approach, there is more out there than just CBT. Your qualified supervisor should be willing to help you expand into many different therapeutic techniques so that you feel confident that you have the “tools” you need for your future clients.
Though your training and education up to this point has provided you a foundation for the work you have done so far, your supervisor will help fine-tune your therapeutic skills and provide guidance on ethical issues as they arise. You want to feel comfortable with your supervisor. Your supervisor should not just be someone who writes a letter to the state and meets with you when you need to be met with. Your supervisor should be just as invested as your future as you are! Your clinical supervisor should not be just a transaction so that you can see clients.
Have a question? Reach out to us!
Common Questions That Students and Registered Interns Have About Supervision?
I am looking for a qualified supervisor to write a letter so that I can get my registered intern number with the state, and I am still looking for a position. Can you help me with my registration status?
Yes, we are here to help guide you throughout your registration process! Whether you have a current position as a therapist or are needing your registration number before you can apply for positions, our qualified supervisors can assist in what you need!
Do I need to work or see clients with Uplift in order to receive supervision services with one of your qualified supervisors?
No, you do not need to work for us or see our clients in order to be supervised by one of qualified supervisors. If you have questions regarding the supervision process or about one of our supervisors, contact us!
Do you accept registered interns outside the state of Florida?
Technically, Florida state statutes state that at least 50% of supervision session must occur in-person. Thus, we do not accept registered interns who reside and/or registered another state besides Florida.
How much is supervision? Do you offer sliding scale or reduced fees for supervision?
Supervision typically costs $100-$150 a session depending on the qualified supervisor. All of our supervisors offer sliding scale fees for all registered interns.
Do I have to have supervision in-person?
Yes and no. According to the state, you need to attend at least 50% of supervision sessions with your supervisor in-person, and the other 50% of supervision session can occur via telehealth. All of our supervisors offer virtual flexibility when you need it.
Whether you just graduated or are looking for a new supervisor, our qualified supervisors can help you grow as a therapist and help guide you in your future career. We also offer independent contracting position for registered interns depending on demand. If you’re interested in receiving supervision and/or wanting to start gaining your hours for the state, contact us to see if we can be a good fit for you!